Hypoxia + Oysters(Friends&Food) + Coral Metaverse
Objective: Design an abstract & immersive underwater experience to discuss threats to coral reef ecosystems. Propose oyster farms as a solution. Make the invisible visible.
Software: Unity 2020.3.19f1
HMD: Oculus Quest 2
Date: 12th November 2021
- Teleportation and interactive GUI
- Particle system for jellyfishes & waves
- Animating the oysters
- World-building a coral reef using prefabs from the Asset store
- 3D spatial audio for storms & 2D for underwater sounds
- Fish-eye lens perspective at the end to mimic a fish’s perspective
I really enjoyed learning about particle systems & the customizable attributes available.
To improve
Player movement is currently restricted to a single elevational Y plane. Introduce free movement along all 3 axes.
More engaging GUI that offers different interactivity (oyster animations, skybox, weather etc)